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클릭하시면 탑외국어학원의 자세한 커리큘럼을 확인할 수 있어요~!
빠른 기차를 타면 3시간안에
어디든 도착하는 아주 작은 나라...
우리의 로망은
대륙횡단열차, 야간열차 등의
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블라디보스톡을 거쳐
유럽까지 도달하는
K-Train 의 시대가 도래하길...

I travelled to Finland with a friend two years ago.
나는 핀란드로 여행했니 친구와 함께 2년 전에.
That was my first time in Northern Europe.
그것은 나의 첫번째 시간이였어 북유럽에서.
The night train was the most unforgettable part of the trip.
그 야간 열차는 여행의 가장 잊혀지지 않는 부분이였어.
I had to travel a long way from Helsinki to Rovaniemi.
나는 이동해야만 했어 긴 길을 헬싱키부터 로바니에미까지.
I took the night train for that trip.
나는 야간 열차를 탔어 그 여행을 위해.
I booked a small cabin with bunk beds for two.
나는 예약했었 한 작은 객실을 2층 침대를 가진 두 사람을 위한.
The train left at 7 PM and arrive at 7 AM.
그 기차는 오후 7시에 떠나서 오전 7시에 도착했어.
I felt both excited and a bit nervous since it was my first time.
나는 두개를 느꼈어 설레이고 좀 긴장된, 그것은 너의 첫번째 시간이였기 때문에.
The cabin was small but cleaner and nicer than I thought.
그 객실은 작았지만 더 깨끗하고 멋졌어 내 생각보다.
I stayed up looking at the quiet, snowy view outside.
나는 밖의 조용한 설경을 보면서 밤을 샜어.
They gave us breakfast with croissants, oatmeal, and coffee.
그들은 우리에게 아침으로 크로와상, 오트밀, 그리고 커피를 줬어.
Even though we couldn’t see the Northern Lights because of the weather, the night train ended up being a really special memory.
심지어 날씨 때문에 오로라를 보지 못했음에도 불구하고, 그 야간 열차는 결국 정말 특별한 추억이 되었어.

#전주직장인이직 준비 중인
#전주직장인영어 학습자 를 위해
아래와 같이
#전주영어인터뷰 #전주영어면접
#모범답안 용 #템플릿 을
So, yeah, two years ago, I went to Finland with a friend. It was actually my first time in Northern Europe, and honestly, the night train was the most unforgettable part of the trip. We had to travel pretty far from Helsinki to Rovaniemi, so we took the night train and booked this small cabin with bunk beds for two. The train left at 7 PM and got there at 7 AM, and since it was my first time, I was excited but also kinda nervous. The cabin was small, but it was actually cleaner and nicer than I expected. I ended up staying up late just staring out the window at the quiet, snowy view—it was so peaceful. In the morning, they gave us breakfast with croissants, oatmeal, and coffee, which was really nice. We couldn’t see the Northern Lights because of the weather, which was a bit disappointing, but honestly, the night train itself was such a cool experience. Definitely one of my favorite memories!

제공해드린 1:1맞춤 #스피킹 컨텐츠
꼼꼼하게 스터디 진행하시고
#구술 테스트 까지
마무리 하시느라
오늘 하루도 고생하셨습니다.
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